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Hassle-Free Hardware


Improve the way you manage your devices for a low monthly price


If something fails, we replace it, included as part of your subscription


We plan for and manage the entire hardware lifecycle, so you don’t have to


Over 25 years of experience assessing, quoting, and implementing

Allow UplinkIT to care for your hardware and take the guess work out of managing your assets

Managing your devices can be one of the most easily overlooked aspects when owning a business. But it also comes with questions that could significantly impact your operations. Should I upgrade my employees’ PCs because they’re running slow? Have I budgeted for this? My computer failed and now it won’t turn on, but I can’t afford to replace it right now – What do I do?

UplinkIT can provide the answers to these questions by offering Hassle-Free Hardware. With Hassle-Free Hardware, UplinkIT retains ownership of the hardware and all the issues they may bring. If a device fails, it’s up to us to replace it. It’s up to us to protect our investment and ensure that you, the user, are happy with its performance. And once it’s time to replace the hardware? We swap the aging devices for new hardware. And because that aging hardware still has some value to it, we discount our service costs to reflect the remaining value of what’s being replaced. Rinse, repeat.


But that replaced device’s life doesn’t end there. It still has some value remaining. UplinkIT makes it a point to find a new home for these devices where they can do the most good: Non-profits. We’ve built a unique business model that passes along devices at no cost to non-profits. This allows non-profits to keep overhead low by subsidizing hardware significantly. Balancing this hardware offering with a non-profit’s ability to acquire easily accessible, best-in-class software at little to no cost, UplinkIT can help non-profits keep down their technology expenses, so they can keep up what matters: Their mission.